NMLS Registry Numbers

All Via Credit Union home lenders are registered on the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System & Registry (NMLS), which promotes uniformity and transparency throughout the real estate industry. Each lender will be identified by their individual NMLS number in the Registry System. You may access the NMLS Registry to verify a lender's legitimacy.

Via Credit Union: 401925

Staff Name NMLS Number
Jennifer Alexander 939251
Nancy De Leon Beltran 2631843
Jill Jackson 1301795
Jensen Layman 2631844
Janna Matamoros 711943
Georgette Miller 740369
Caterina Poling 2267188
Victoria Riggs 2158042
Brooke Smith 2631842
Tracy Speigle 1587609
Susan Waggoner 939250
Charissa Zon 1824542



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