Personal Loans
Sign. Dream. Achieve. ViaPersonal Loans
Empower Your Dreams
ViaCU offers personal loans that can help to finance unexpected events, vacations and more.
ViaPersonal Loan
- Competitive rates - Just what you'd expect from ViaCU.
- Low monthly payments - Staying within a budget just got a whole lot easier.
- Flexible terms - Individually designed to fit the way you want to structure your loans. Any more flexible and we'd bend over backwards.
- Automatic payments - Makes it easier to remember your monthly payments, mainly because you won't have to.
ViaGEM Loan
A ViaGEM loan is an open-ended loan requiring an one-time application. After that, the credit limit is yours to use as you see fit.
- One-time application process - A simple and easy application process that will make you wonder why the rest of your life couldn't be that easy.
- Pre-approved credit limit - Gives you flexibility and control over how and when you use the ViaGEM Loan.
- Use as an overdraft protection option - The perfect way to backup your ViaChecking account. Rest easy, you're covered.
- Cash advances1 - Need money? Take a cash advance (up to your limit) through ViaConnect, by calling or stopping by any branch.
- No pre-payment penalties - Yeah, we thought they were kind of silly too.

3 Easy Ways to Apply
1 Cash
advance amounts are based on pre-approved limit. Money is available as soon as funds are requested.
Monthly payments are based on the balance after the most recent advance and does not change until you
receive the next advance. Minimum monthly payment is 4% of new balance, but not less than $20.